Thursday, October 10, 2013

Did you know we are on Facebook??

The Rickipedia is on Facebook! I find it hard to keep track of Rick's new entries if I don't post them right away. We started a Facebook page a while back and that is the most current. I will still try to get back here to elaborate on some of the best entries in the Rickipedia. Until then check us out here:

Sunday, January 22, 2012


So yesterday was my hubby's birthday and I must sound like a terrible wife to make him wait a day to have his birthday cake. Even worse if you know I didn't go shopping for supplies until the afternoon of (this is also when I purchased his birthday presents HAHA), and baked it at 10pm. The week leading up to his birthday was pretty crazy, even though it was a short week! I had the usual Drs appointments and therapy to juggle with getting kids to school. The kids are all still see sawing on this cold they have had for a year (really more like a month or so but seriously that's a long time!), and all of a sudden I thought I was getting the flu... Luckily not the flu, still not feeling totally normal. I like to tell Rick I'm pregnant to freak him out LOL! 6 kids wouldn't be any harder, and what if it was a girl? Then would it be okay? You should see his face drain of color. Then another freak fire in Reno and he gets activated, thus working 29 hours. Thankfully a storm finally made it's way through, and no flooding seemed to be a huge threat. But this leaves me at home sick with the monster offspring... Worst thing ever, to be sick and have to take care of someone else! Anyway he finally comes home the next day (his birthday) and I made him a yummy breakfast and put him to bed. I tried to get the months worth of dishes we somehow accumulated in 2 1/2 days but the baby wouldn't nap! Commence screaming in my head, finally get him to sleep but I did not finish the dishes (I did get the dishwasher started!).  We eventually get out the door to go run all over Reno, get home around 6. Found a nice surprise, a friend brought dinner, and Rick's favorite! So I made dinner (aka heated it up), and sent the hubby to go visit a friend who was in town for the day. While he was gone I put the kids to bed, finished the dishes, and finished up some other chores. While baking a strawberry cheesecake from scratch, very time consuming! & A chocolate cake, all before he got home! Conman and I made icing and frosted the cake this AM while dad was at work, and he made the cutest decor for it (if I knew how to add pictures it would be right here!)
 Anyway it looked pretty awesome, a three layer chocolate cake with a hidden cheesecake layer. After dinner tonight we cut into it, and Rick was pretty surprised! He told me I outdone myself (hh hh on the knuckles and shine em on my shoulder!). After a glass of chocolate milk he could finally speak and told me I am the best mook ever. He caught himself and said "did I just say mook? You know I meant Mom-cook" ;) I think I redeemed myself, even if I couldn't find the stinking Skylander dudes for their game.

The real word: cook

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Baken stuff

I am not sure which one is worse, they both made me laugh so hard there were tears. Then I picked up the phone and got a picture before he could destroy the evidence and called a friend to tell them there were more! My husband is not from the south so there really is no reasoning or excuse for him to think this is right... But I sure do love it!

No this box is not filled with bacon stuff either LOL

The real word: baking stuff


I have to say, I think it is even funnier to get these things in writing!
As you may know we moved recently and when we got to the new house and started unpacking I cam across some undeniable Rick-isms! Stuff he's been saying that might have even gone unnoticed because it doesn't sound like he's saying it wrong. Man they are priceless!!!

The real word: Tupperware

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It was so nice to have the family together for Thanksgiving weekend. We had quite a full house, and entertained 15 people for dinner.. WHOAH! It was a great time, and I am so thankful to share it with some amazing people! & not to have to do the dishes :)
One of the visitors was my little brother's girlfriend, poor kid couldn't go shopping with us on Friday because her stomach was bothering her (you know it has to be bad for a girl to pass on some awesome deals) and she joked that it was from throwing up after she eats... Note: she is pretty stinkin skinny, and she isn't afraid to eat :) Odd humor, I know. Anyway my husband says "that she's not feeling well because she is Moneeca." Everyone is confused, he repeats himself and a few of us start laughing, "Trevor do you ever notice she was in the bathroom after eating... because she is moneeca." We finally explained to her that he has his own dictionary, everyone got quite the laugh.

The real word: Anorexia


I have witnesses.... in case you don't believe the shenanigans that come out of this man's mouth I guarantee you I could not make this stuff up! We were in the process of moving into our new house, and moving some of our friend's things out (what a process!). She happens to have this cute little statue. He asks me if I want to keep the Churup... I immediately think churro and am puzzled, until he starts trying to explain "you know the little churup statue?" :laugh: I correct him as my brother and I laugh and he per the usual claims that is what he said.

The real word: Cherub

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


If anyone knows my hubby they know he has a bladder the size of a peanut! He can't go anywhere without either a) having to stop to use the bathroom  and/or b) rushing home to us the bathroom. & he even goes before we leave! He cannot go an hour without peeing... unless we are driving then he can push it to 2, sometimes it is just absurd! I do not understand this. Anyway during the lovely drive from Las Vegas to Reno with our truck and trailer and u haul and car trailer... UGH it was LOOONG! He made up an excuse to give the police if you are ever pulled over for speeding when you have to pee... He says "but officer I was speeing."