Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Rick was irritated with Conner for taking too long to get a spoon and yelled "by the time you get it mom will already have most of Keegan's food down his foat" Lesson of the day think before you yell at your kids, it's not effective when everyone is laughing because you said something wrong.

The real word: Throat

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some short entries

There isn't a notable story for these but they are amusing...

Harmoniny- Hominy

Centinintal- Citronella (I know you were expecting sentimental LOL)

Edomiting- Editing

Cimmamom- Cinnamon

Massashushits- Massachusetts

Saturday, August 6, 2011


This is my own intentionally made up word... I used it all the time in High School; not many people knew the correct word to begin with, let alone the fact that I was saying it wrong! Because I have always been sarcastic it seemed perfect. I can't tell you how many people were confused, but many couldn't remember which way was correct. 

The real word: Facetious  


We were talking the other day and Rick said “you know fetamorically speaking?” Another easily recognizable slip up, but he doesn’t usually get the syllables switched around. It reminds me of a time my brother and I got into an argument and were bantering back and forth. He said “Bite Me!” so I told him to come here and I would, and he was like “No I mean literally!” I laughed and explained that I meant literally too, because if he tells me to bit him literally it means to actually bit him and I was more than happy to. So he says “Ok I mean like a metaphor,” and I laughed and explained that it is not a metaphor, and that he mean figuratively! Apparently, metaphor is quite a tricky word!

The real word: Metaphorically


I can’t remember what brought on this mishap, but we were watching something and my husband asks me, “isn’t that an astrodesiac?” This is one I easily recognize and just smile and say “you mean an aphrodisiac?” So he says “that’s what I said.”

The real word: Aphrodisiac


So one night Rick and I are laying in bed and the TV was on showing some documentary type special about Lady Gaga. Risk says “isn’t she a morphadyke?” I look at him puzzled. Sometimes he says thing a littlee off and I know what he means but initially I was completely stumped. So I ask him to say it again a couple times, and of course when I realize what he’s trying to say I laugh. I laughed so hard I was crying. First of all where did morphadyke come from? I suppose it isn’t too off from the actual word but he’s combining two different things here. Once I regain composure enough to tell him, I explained the word he’s trying to say.

Now I am not suggesting lady Gaga is either a morphadyke or a hermaphrodite, or condoning calling her either… But it was funny!

The real word is: Hermaphrodite.


This is a classic, and one of the first... I cannot remember the specific context of this story, I think it went a little like this... We were camping with family and were talking about my step-brother needing new glasses because he keeps breaking them.
 Rick to tells my parents that they should get Christopher some BFG's, cause at least they aren't as easy to break as those flimsy ones he wears. We all furrow our brows thinking "BFG!? What is that?" So we ask him him what he means, to which my husband replies: "Birf Control Glasses." Long pause  as we think about what he just saids, someone asks "what's the F stand for?" I quickly run through these sayings in my head Birth Control Glasses, Big F*&^ing Glasses, trying to figure out what's wrong with this statement. My husband says "Birf Control Glasses", again we ask "yeah but whats the F stand for?" SO he repeats himself, this time drawing out each syllable "Read my lips BIRFFFFFFF Control Glasses," and we all burst into laughter! To which he looks at us confused... It sure did take a minute to stop laughing enough to explain where he went wrong, after several attempts ending in laughing some more, at this point he wanted to know what was up; I finally told him what he meant to say.

The real saying: Birth Control Glasses aka BCG.

The begining

This has been going on for quite some time. We all forget a word here and there, or speak too quickly and things come out wrong... My husband takes it to a whole new level! He says thing completely wrong, obliterates words, and flat out makes up his own. He does this often, and most times doesn't even realize; until I laugh out loud or someone looks at him cross. Because of this we have made up the "Rickipedia", full of the words only he uses. I used to share the "entries" with friends and family, but decided I must put them in writing so I don't forget them all! Now I must disclaim, this is in no way intended to bash my sweet husband or make fun of him... We're laughing with him, not at him, right!?

I will also take entries from friends, family, and followers and post them, so send them to me! If you want this entry posted as anonymous please let me know, I am happy to oblige... otherwise we're are putting whoever it is on blast :)