Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rick's lullabies

They won't work as well as counting sheep, and let's be real they aren't going to help you sleep! Rick’s lullabies are a little rusty and a lot dusty and oh so funny sweet to listen to! I guess it’s been awhile since he’s heard them much less had a baby to sing them to… They are short and sweet because he only knows three I think (he has the wheels on the bus down pretty well, I give him credit for that). Here are two that I thought you would enjoy…

Patty cake patty cake baker’s man
Roll ‘em up
Throw them in the pan

Twinkle twinkle little star
How mighty you are
Twinkle twinkle little star
How bright shiny you are

Yes that’s then end, like I said short and sweet!

Monday, October 3, 2011

butt cake

This is not what you think. I love to bake; as a matter of fact I am supposed to have my pumpkin in the oven as I type so that I can make delicious pumpkin bread for the first time this year... I also have a veggie drawer full of goodies to steam up and freeze for my kiddos! So I will have to type fast! A couple weeks ago  we went to one of my hubby's co-worker's house for a BBQ... I didn't know what we were bringing until the day of and decided to make a dessert to go with our unimpressive contribution of hot dogs and sausages and I opted to make something bright and sunny since it was approaching the end of summer and made a delicious lemon cake with some fresh raspberries on top. Anyway enough about my baking… On to the part where Rick makes a butt of himself HAHAHA! He kept forgetting a letter and telling everyone that I brought a butt cake, repeatedly calling it a butt cake with a house full of military guys is like asking to be made fun of!  Many laughs on his account, and I think it even outshined my delicious cake.

The real word: Bundt cake

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Implucks, hair plucks, and a widow maker

Today the hubby and I were talking about men’s haircuts and he was asking me if I wanted his hair in a particular style. He is active duty in the military and has worn his hair super short for ages, I like more hair on his head and since I am a cosmetologist and do his hair I get the final say! I always tell him if he wants it shorter he can go pay for a haircut (although he argues he is paying plenty already LOL) or shave his head himself… Thankfully he hasn’t because I would be appalled! I am a fan of the grown out pompadour style, I just love guys with that haircut YUM! I was watching Dirty Soap, (maybe a new obsession since I grew up watching Days with my Grandma but eventually got tired of the drama and the stories being soo unrealistic!) and he pointed out one of the guys longer hairstyles and asked “Do you want my hair like that? Well after I get out of the military of course” to which I joked he wouldn’t have enough hair left when that happens. He then said he would “just get implucks… You know where the pluck hair into your head?” He hears me laughing as I grab my phone “Or is it hair plucks, you know where they replace your hair.” I can picture it now Rick with hair plucks…

Now I know hair loss is a delicate subject and it may sound demeaning to make fun of your husband for his receding hairline… SO I do not recommend my behavior for most relationships, fortunately mine can withstand my sarcasm. I warn my husband all the time that wearing a baseball cap 24/7 is going to make his hair recede even more and he will not listen! So I am merely pointing out that I warned him and he should stop now while there’s hair left… Pointing out the grey hairs? Well that’s just me calling him out on getting old HAHAHA and being evil. I just have to make sure that if or when I ever have a grey hair he will know NOTHING of it!

All of this reminded me of a good one from a while back that I almost completely forgot YAY ! We watched Life As We Know It, which was really cute and sad by the way… My husband heard the line where Duhamel’s character has a receding hairline but claims it is a widow’s peak. This became his new motto, which is a really funny line and would make an excellent comeback… Except that when I was poking fun at his hairline one day he said “I’m not losing hair it’s a widow maker!” How does a widow’s peak make widows I wondered?? To this day he can’t keep it straight, and it’s just as funny every time! Sometimes the poor guy can’t catch a break!

The real words: Implants and hair plugs, and widow’s peak

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Rick watches that Orange County Chopper show (I guess there's more than one now), I should just tell you upfront I don't know any of their names or pretty much anything about the show aside from it being about motorcycles and that there's the father and his son's. I think Rick has been getting his English skills from this guy... the guy with the mustache, the dad, gorilla armed dude as i like call him... He cracked me up the other day! He was talking in the shop and kept saying simularly and simular, even in a public setting promoting one of the bikes they made to look like cars for some big car dudes! Someone should really tell him, but I wonder if any of them even realized that what he is saying is wrong. If it were me I would feel like such a tool! Maybe it is just me who has this compulsive desire to correct people when they use words incorrectly or say them wrong?

The real word: Similar, similarly